Ka Ulana ʻAna I Ka Piko

Join kumu Pūlama Long and Aupuni Palala for a 2 part professional development series that focuses on the methods of implementing Aloha ʻĀina & Nā Hopena Aʻo frameworks within the classroom. We will be weaving together to apply both concepts and methods of ʻāina-based learning while experiencing itʻs value and enjoyment.


Session 1:

Lā 6 o Mei 2021

3:30pm - 4:30pm

In this first session, we will be weaving methods for implementing Aloha ʻĀina & Nā Hopena Aʻo frameworks in the classroom by applying mind-mapping activities that move participants to build out the pedagogical nodes of aloha 'āina curriculum.

This session will conclude with an opportunity to receive a small hala kit for the second session. There is a limited supply and registration will for kits will be given at that meeting.


Session 2:

Lā 20 o Mei 2021

3:30pm - 4:30pm

In this hands-on session, we will be learning to apply the concepts and methods of the earlier session and anchoring that wisdom through experiencing weaving with physical materials. We will be weaving a hōkū (star) that represents our commitments as educators guiding our students towards academic success and growing their sense of relationship to 'āina.

All educators are welcome to attend this session even if they have not received a kit. A list of substitute materials will be provided.


 Registration for Session 1

Please register for session 1, so that we may contact you before the event to provide more information on this session. Things like a zoom link and further instructions will be provided once registered.

Introduction by Pūlama Long


I am a kanaka Maoli born and raised in Washington state. At 18 years old I returned to my ancestral lands, Hawai’i, to reconnect with family and culture. I went to Hilo community college studying ‘Ōlelo Hawai’i, Hawaiian Mythology, and hula. I then transferred and received my Bachelor of Arts from the Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa where many professors inspired me on my journey to become ulana lauhala teacher. I have completed the Kaho’wai Teacher Education Program and have received my certificate in secondary education with a Hawaiian studies focus.

I have been weaving lauhala for over ten years. I first learned ulana lauhala by supporting my friend turn Kumu, Lufi Luteru, and my brother-in-law Ka’ohu Seto in a series of community weaving workshops that taught hīna’i weaving for the repatriation of iwi kūpuna. Lufi and Ka’ohuʻs teachings have been foundational to my approach as a weaver to practice this art with the greatest intention, purpose, and care.


I currently share cultural knowledge and weaving across educational disciplines, instilling the necessary values, aloha, and intellectual fostering, building healthy relationships personally and communal between people and ‘āina. It is my kuleana for teachings to echo my lineage of kumu who are dedicated to the perpetuation of ‘ike Hawai’i. I am committed to teach ulana lauhala in ways that immerse participants with the wisdom of kupuna, transforming new insights into woven art pieces.

 Have you attended one of our events? We would love to hear from you!