Post PD Events SurveyIf you have attended one of our events and would like to give us feedback, please fill out this survey. The information we collect will be used to improve how we deliver and execute our goal of an education system grounded in Hawaiian wisdom. Name * First Name Last Name Email * School Affiliation * What school and/or educational organization are you affiliated with? If possible, what grade level and/or age range do you work with? Event Attended * Please select one E Moʻolelo Kākou Resilience, Health, and Wellness with Dr Aukahi Austin Seabury Hui Kamaʻilio Ka Wai o Kahuailana Book Club Kupaʻa Collective Series Māla ʻAi A I Mea ʻAi Historiography Art Journaling E Hoʻoikaika i na Pilina What was the date and topic of the event? * Please provide us information on the impact our event has on your classroom. * I found this presentation helpful. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I feel better prepared to teach students my students. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree This event inspired me to use a skill and/or strategy right away. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I would suggest this course to other educators. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Please share how you felt this session was able to increase your knowledge and implementation of Hawaiian values, language, culture and history within your classroom. Using the Nā Hopena Aʻo Framework, what strengths were clearly present in this presentation? * Check all that apply Belonging Responsibility Excellence Aloha Total Well-being Hawaiʻi Please share what you thought was the most positive about this event? What happened? Who/what made an impact? What meaning does this have for you and your work? What would you like to see in future sessions? We would like to know if there are any resources, people, and/or organizations that you feel should be part of our programing. We are always looking to expand our network and collaborate with others. We want all educators to make connections to valuable resources that support us in our goal of grounding education in Hawaiian wisdom. Please share any other manaʻo you may have regarding this opportunity? Any additional information is helpful. You can also suggest any changes you would like to see in our future sessions. We take all feedback seriously and welcome any and all comments. Permission request. * We would like to use some of the information from our surveys to promote all the positive aspects of our events. By choosing to give us permission, we will use your positive feedback to communicate how real educators are using the information from our sessions to support their work. Any and all quotes will be posted to this website only. I give Aupuni Palapala permission to quote me using my positive feedback on this website. I do not give Aupuni Palapala permission to quote me from this survey. You have successfully Submitted a Post PD Events Survey!Mahalo for giving us feedback on our events. We will use the information you have submitted to improve what we do as Aupuni Palapala. Please keep a look out for any of our new and upcoming events.