Stipend Help

In supporting our educators, Aupuni Palapala has funds available to help teachers acquire supplies and other resources that will help contribute to our overall vision of grounding education in Hawaiian wisdom. Generally, we offer an array of events, physical/digital resources, helping kumu with connections to community partners. However, we would like to extend our help through providing funds for educators to implement lessons tied to our Professional Development Events.

In order to be eligible for a stipend you need to have done these things:






  • Attend an event

  • Submit a Post PD Event Survey for that event

  • Complete a WH-1 Form

  • Only one form is required for all events.

  • Submit a signed WH-1 Form to our secure folder


File Labelling Instructions

a. Please label your WH-1 using this structure

[last name].[first initial].WH1


 Have you attended one of our PD Events? We would love to hear how it was!