Stipend Help for Speaker/Presenters

In supporting our community partners, speakers, and presenters, Aupuni Palapala has funds available to compensate for the expertise provided via a stipend check made from the University of Hawaiʻi system. After reading the important message, please follow the 3 steps to begin the process.

** Important: There are a few reasons that complicate the eligibility of our speakers. If you are the following, please contact an Aupuni Palapala faculty member to discuss your options.

  • University of Hawaiʻi Faculty and/or Administrator

  • Student of University of Hawaiʻi and receiving financial aid







  • Download this WH-1 form

  • Fill it out as best as you can

  • Submit a signed WH-1 Form to our secure folder

  • Scanned documents with signatures are the standard

Digital File Labelling Instructions

Please label your WH-1 using this structure

[last name].[first initial].WH1


Inform a Aupuni Palapala Faculty member that you have uploaded your WH-1 to the secure folder

Dr Eōmailani Kukahiko

Dr Summer Maunakea

Stacy Prellberg

 Have you attended one of our PD Events? We would love to hear how it was!